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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Family Vacation

Growing up, some of my most cherished memories were the times spent with my mom, dad, and sister on family vacation. My dad kept a folder of “Places to visit,” where he collected articles and brochures of interesting places. Whether it was a winter ski trip (which is much more of an effort since I grew up on the east coast!) or a summer trip to the Canadian Rockies, he made sure that we were experiencing something new and exploring another beautiful place. Most importantly, we were spending time together as a family.

Now that we are “grown up”, our family continues to grow and change. My sister, Emily, and I both added wonderful husbands to the family. We miss my dad every day since we lost him three years ago to his battle with cancer. And Emily and my brother-in-law, Ryan, brought two adorable, curious, energetic, sweet children into the family. Four-year-old Trevor and two-year-old Evelyn bring so much laughter and joy to our family.

We had much to be thankful for this past Thanksgiving, as we gathered together for a family vacation at the beach. Trevor could not get enough of splashing through the waves and watching the waves sweep the sand from under his toes. Evelyn, on the other hand, could not cling to her mom any tighter as she approached the water, and she was much happier at a safe distance in the sand. I was glad to be able to capture some moments of my sister’s family together. One day, Trevor and Evelyn will be able to look back and remember the waves, the sand, and the company spent together.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hanna & Justin - Married!

Hanna & Justin's wedding was a true celebration with family and friends coming together to share in joy with the new wife and husband. The thoughtful and personalized details --- from Hanna's beautiful dress made by her mother to the glass jars used for the centerpieces collected by her aunt --- reflected all the love that surrounds these two. Complimenting these beautiful details were the toasts- so completely heartfelt, and I don't think there was a dry eye amongst all of their guests. There was also plenty of laughter, and great dance moves to continue the night...it was perfect!

Thanks to Laura Murray for taking me along for Hanna & Justin's special day- you can see more on Laura's blog here!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Baby Callie - 6 months

Baby Callie is already 6 months old! We spent the afternoon playing with her mom and dad and enjoying the sunshine of a beautiful fall day. Here's Baby Callie as a newborn...

...and now ready to play at 6 months!

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Amanda & Michael- Engaged!

In Amanda and Michael's words, they balance each other perfectly- and I agree. As we toured through Denver, I loved seeing how Amanda's outgoing energy fit with Michael's more laid back demeanor. And both are extremely sweet and fun together...